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Three years ago, Giannis introduced me to the game theory side of poker. These three years, he has been one of my main poker coaches and he has turned me, from a mid-stakes player, into a high-stakes winning player. I think that his game theory fundamentals combined with his exploitative skills is a combination that every poker coach needs. I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to move his game to the next level!

I met Giannis at a time during which I was a struggling live pro. Two years later, through his guidance and perseverance, I’ve transitioned to being a zoom mid-stakes crusher but most importantly, I’ve gained respect over my abilities and myself.

Working with Giannis for the last two years, on a permanent basis, not only improved my game
but also broadened my horizons in ways that I had never thought about the game before.
His way of converting tough scenarios into piece of cake situations, increased my win-rate to a point that I can say that no one is unlucky, you just need to study more.

Giannis has been determinant in finding leaks in my game and increasing my win-rate ,while helping me adapt in the competitive landscape of high stakes tournaments. He has helped me to play more balanced and to better comprehend game theory. I have developed a different perspective for the game, which has benefited me in difficult situations such as 3bet pots and oop plays, where I was able to develop better overall strategies and bet sizes for each board texture.